BirdLife’s Vote for South Africa’s Favourite Bird

by | Jan 15, 2015 | News | 0 comments

BirdLife South Africa invite you to vote for your favourite bird and  Nancy Richards, ambassador for the humble Hadeda Ibis, would value your vote.

There are an incredible 845 species of birds in South Africa. Therefore, no matter where you are, you live side by side with birds. You can see them in your garden, on the way to work, up in the mountains, on the beach and in the bush. Just look out of your window and step out of your front door, and you will see and hear birds.

The experts at BirdLife South Africa have whittled down the list of South Africa’s birds to 52 species and invite all South Africans to “meet some of your neighbours” and vote for their favourite bird in a fun and feathery poll.

Voting closes on 28 February 2015.
One person, one vote.

Now we would like you to go to BirdLife’s Vote for South Africa’s Favourite Birdvote, scroll down and click the vote button for:
Hadeda Ibis

These loud birds are not every ones favourite, but if you move to a place where they aren’t, you’ll soon get to miss their happy hullabaloo. They shout a lot because they were forest-dwelling birds before they moved into the suburbs. You can rely on them to stick around, and reliability is worth voting for.

As the Hadeda’s ambassador, we are sure that Nancy Richards will be delighted!
VoteSAvia Cape Town Green Map

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