About us
If you want to know WHAT to see, WHY to see it and WHERE to find it, we have the answer.
Curated by locals who know the secrets of the city, MapMyWay helps you find your way to places and events that appeal to your personal taste. In short: we give you the inside information about the city we live in. With our curated routes, we’ve made it even easier to make informed decisions about places to go, things to do and attractions to see.
Try the Off-road Biking Trails route, created by Cape Town Green Map’s biking enthusiast Arne Purves; Neil Piper’s 2016 Getaway Green Wine Award-winners Route; and many more. And the Arts & Crafts Map, which has been published annually since 1988, leads you to many of the city’s cultural treasures. These are just a taste of the many special interest routes you’ll find on MapMyWay.
The new MapMyWay website draws on our large and extensive database of local knowledge. It is a one-stop, user-friendly personal information centre. Printed versions are available through Cape Town Tourism Visitor Information Centres around the city, including Cape Town International Airport, leading hotels and venues featured on our maps.
Who’s behind MapMyWay?
Curiosity is the unifying thread that runs through the entire MapMyWay team.
A&C Maps
A&C Maps cc has been publishing special interest map guides since 1998, focusing mostly on Cape Town and surrounds. We developed www.capetowngreenmap.co.za in partnership with the City of Cape Town, and have published several editions of the printed version. A&C Maps CEO, Philip Todres, keeps his finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the Mother City. Besides delving into what and where to keep the maps up to date, Philip can be heard conducting interviews for Cape Diary on FMR 101.3fm. MapMyWay is his perfect excuse to ensure that he does not miss out on what’s happening in Cape Town. Philip’s administration and mapping team keep the maps current and accurate.
Contact A&C Maps:
T +27 83 783 1003 E info@mapmyway.co.za
Montebello Design Centre, 31 Newlands Ave, Newlands 7700, South Africa