Artist’s Textiles is a two part exhibition, launching the Museum of Making and Tomorrow (MOMAT), both curated by artist, environmentalist and textile designer, David Bellamy. Artist’s textiles at UCT Irma Stern Museum, Cecil Road, Rosebank, runs from 17 November to 8 December 2018.
Artist’s Textiles Part one: Group Show
Artists based in South Africa and Europe show their process in creating a textile (functionality) based on an artwork (non-functionality).
In the large gallery including work by
Sanell Aggenbach
Joanne Bloch
Jessica Dorrington
Ruan Hoffmann
Zayaan Khan
Louise Kaye
The Keiskamma Project
Cebo Mvubu
Heath Nash
Greg Stock
Karen Suskin
The origin points are diverse and exciting, some examples being:
- Zayaan Khan, a seed librarian, uses ferments as her starting point to create weaves.
- Greg Stock’s drawing machine produces patterns on cloth, responding to data sent from scientists at drinking water dams, enabling us to visualise our relationship with water availability.
- Ruan Hoffmann will present new ceramic paintings that will be reinterpreted as silkscreened cloth
- Cebo Mvubu and Jessica Dorrington are both professional embroiderers, one urban, one rural
Artist’s Textiles Part two: ‘A set from a film that has not yet been made’
Secondly, an installation in the smaller gallery arranges textile based works , furniture and clothing, manufactured by David Bellamy’s artisanal textile studio as ‘a set from film that has not yet been made’. Traditional fine art means of making- ie, stencilling, painting and linoleum printing are used to produce the textiles
In this arrangement, glimpsed in a future that we hope is under construction, the role of objects has changed, and art and design are collapsed together. We sit on and wear paintings.
Brendon Edwards, a sculptor, will produce furniture elements made from scrap yard metal- nothing new is added to the world.
MOMAT is established in order to incorporate within objects, both environmentally (and thus human-socially) central problems and their resolutions, sidestepping arguing and polemics. and the futility of pointing out these problems (but leaving their resolution to persons unknown).
For example, textiles made of linen, printed using labour intensive methods, using low toxicity water soluble inks, can embody impact solutions in terms of: water cost, landfill, biodegradability, Volatile Organic Compound production, toxicity issues, worker health, unemployment, etc.
The possibility of using their own purchasing-power by supporting design, orientated towards rescuing a collapsing world, while at the same time enjoying the joie de vivre, that art can carry, is raised for visitors
Walkabouts on:
Saturday 24 Nov; Saturday 1 Dec; Wed 5 Dec
Contact: 0843145741 visit
WHERE: UCT Irma Stern Museum, 9 Cecil Road, Rosebank, Cape Town 7700
WHEN: 17 November to 8 December 2018. Opening hours: Tuesday- Friday from 10am -5pm and Saturday from 10am-2pm
INFO: T 021 6855686 Visit
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