Lerato Shadi Interview – Friends of SANG #GalleryFrom Home

by | Jun 10, 2020 | News | 0 comments

Starting with the by Lerato Shadi, the Friends of Iziko SA National Gallery have been profiling Artists’ Film International (AFI) films online since lockdown began. As of 11th June, the films will be taken offline. The Friends look forward to when we can show you the films in a physical space where we can watch them together.

The Friends nominated artist is Lerato Shadi, who was born in South Africa and currently lives and works in Berlin.  For more information aboit Lerato Shadi’s “Mabogo Dinku” (2019) –  nominated film for Artists Films International – see MapMyWay news blog.

Lerato ShadiInvite from the Friends of SANG:

“Join us for the finissage (closing) event, a livestream interview with our nominated AFI artist, Lerato Shadi, on Thursday 11th June, 6pm. 
BYO glass of tipple!”

WHAT: Livestream interview with nominated AFI artist, Lerato Shadi
WHEN: Thursday 11th June, 6pm
WHERE: In the comfort of your own home  #GalleryFromHome
HOW: Zoom   Meeting ID: 712 5432 8189  Password: 3Ufq0v


We are delighted that the Friends of Iziko SA National Gallery have joined the collaborative project Artists’ Film International (AFI). We are pleased to welcome our first African partner and to be able to present exciting new work from the region in the programme.

AFI is a collaboration between 20 institutions which shares moving images. Each partner venue selects an artist and a work from their country which are shared across the network.

It started in 2009 when the Whitechapel Gallery was undergoing renovations and only its auditorium was open to the public, but it has grown exponentially. Partners range from Kabul, Afghanistan to Tromso in the Artic Circle, through Texas and or Istanbul as you can see from the list of partners on our sites. The programme is flexible so screenings can be adapted to each institutional setup, they can be shown as a screening, a rolling programme or an exhibition, on monitors or screens. An annual theme is set to focus the selections.

It’s a great way of sharing work easily across the globe, premiering artists work in different countries, in an environmentally friendly way. But also most importantly sharing curatorial expertise in showcasing new developments in the field of moving image, which progresses at a rapid pace.

This year we have moved exceptionally online due to the global Covid pandemic, and it has been an important moment of reflection on how to share and show work online.

We’ve had lots of positive feedback on the programme, and Lerato Shadi’s work which was screened by the Whitechapel Gallery in April, and has also been shown on other partner websites. We were also excited by Iziko’s ambitious online programme and look forward to the interview.

INFO: The Friends  I  T 021 481 3951  C 083 480 9189  I  E sangfriends@iziko.org.za  I  Facebook

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