6 September, 1841 foundation stone laid.
28 April, 1851 neo-Gothic stucco Cathedral opened by Bishop Griffith (at cost of £11 000); Architect Carl Hager.
1870 bell cast in Ireland donated by Marquis of Bute, designed to be heard by the seamen at the docks.
1891 organ from Hill & Son installed.
1904 Apsidal chapels, designed by Sir Herbert Baker.
1927 sacristy, baptistry and new bell tower added; Architect FM Glennie.
1930s wooden screen donated by Count Labia to commemorate Concordat between the Vatican and Mussolini.
1950 black Italian marble altar by Florenci Cularan installed as Second World War memorial to parishioners who died.
Objects of interest: 18th century icon of Our Lady of the Flight in to Egypt; painting of the crucifixion donated by Napoleon III (inside the porch); carved oak pulpit by Tweedie; marble angel by O’Callaghan (1896); stained glass windows of the life of the Virgin Mary by Mayer & Co (1896); stations of the Cross by Maud Sumner (1962); Crown of Thorns light feature by Jan Corewiyn;