SANG Friends Walkabout of “When Dust Settles” with Standard Bank Young Artist 2018 winner artist Igshaan Adams

by | Nov 13, 2018 | News | 0 comments

Igshaan Adams is the 2018 winner of the prestigious Standard Bank Young Artist Award. The exhibition at the IZIKO South African National Gallery, “When Dust Settles” refers to both the retrospective nature of the exhibition as well as the process of gaining perspective over time.

The installation revisits the conceptual themes in Adams’ earlier works, of hybrid identity and liminality, particularly in relation to race, religion and sexuality, as well as his artistic processes and materials. It also encompasses Adams’ more recent artistic exploration of personal histories and lived experiences as inscribed onto the materials of our daily lives, such as flooring.

Igshaan Adams will take Friends of Iziko South African National Gallery on a walkabout of his exhibition on Sunday 18th November 2018 at 11 am.

The exhibition is now open and runs through 27th January 2019

WHEN: Sunday 18th November 2018 at 11 am
WHERE: Iziko South African National Gallery, Company’s Gardens, CBD, Cape Town.
TICKETS: R80 for members; R100 for non-members; R25 for those 25 and under. Book and pay via the website
RSVP to the office – please remember to include your POP

PHOTO: Sleep, courtesy of Igshaan Adams and blank projects

Have you picked up your copy of the 2019 Arts + Crafts Map? The new edition is available at the Iziko South African National Gallery

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