2018 High School Band Slam at V&A Waterfront

by | Mar 5, 2018 | News | 0 comments

Between Monday 5 and Thursday 8 March, 12 Peninsula High Schools will go head-to-head in the 2018 High School Band Slam at the V&A Waterfront’s Amphitheatre from 6pm.  The finals for the 2018 High School Band Slam is on Friday 9 March.

The audience can expect to hear a wide range of music genres and instruments including drums, pianos, guitars and saxophones.

The shortlist of schools includes Bridge Town, Paral Vallei, Parklands College, Settlers High, Bishops, Elsies River, Wynberg Girls, Alexander Stinton, Rustenberg and Bergvliet.

At stake is musical equipment from event partners, the V&A Waterfront and Mars Music worth R20 000. An additional R5 000 will be awarded to the school that demonstrates they have the best crowd participation.

Each school band will be scored by a panel of industry experts according to three categories.

Musicality includes song arrangements, technical proficiency, artistic ability, originality and interpretation. For presentation the judges will be look at performance attitude, stage dominance, confidence and rapport. For patronage, schools will need to show they have support, crowd participation, school spirit and enthusiasm.

BAND SLAM: Bridge Town, Paral Vallei

Monday, 5 March 2018

School Bridge Town
18h45 – 19h15 (6.45pm to 7.15pm)
School Paral Vallei
19h30 – 20h00 (7.30pm to 8pm)

BAND SLAM: Parklands College, Settlers High, Bishops

Date Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Performer Parklands College
18h00 – 18h30 (6pm to 6.30pm)
Performer Settlers High
18h45 – 19h15 (6.45pm to 7.15pm)
Performer Bishops
19h30 – 20h00 (7.30pm to 8pm)

BAND SLAM: Elsies River, Wynberg Girls

Date Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Performer Elsies River
18h00 – 18h30 (6pm to 6.30pm)
Performer Wynberg Girls
18h45 – 19h15 (6.45pm to 7.15pm)

BAND SLAM: Alexander Stinton, Rustenburg Girls, Bergvliet

Date Thursday, 8 March 2018

Performer Alexander Stinton18h00 – 18h30 (6pm to 6.30pm)
Performer Rustenburg Girls
18h45 – 19h15 (6.45pm to 7.15pm)
Performer Bergvliet
19h30 – 20h00 (7.30pm to 8pm)


WHEN:  Monday, 5 to Thursday, 8 March
Final Friday, 9 March


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