Design Indaba’s Mandela Day challenge

by | Jul 16, 2015 | News | 0 comments

What would you do on Mandela Day if we gave you R1000 to make it happen? asks Design Indaba.

And Design Indaba explains their offer:

We try to live up to the legacy that Nelson Mandela left us throughout the year, but every year on 18th of July, we try to do that little bit extra to make our community a better place. From helping create an arts and crafts container in Blikkiesdorp to a mobile library in Khayelitsha, we try to invest our time and money back into our country. This year, we want you to help us spread this idea further.

In honour of Nelson Mandela day this year, Design Indaba wants to assist those looking to make a positive change in their communities through creativity.

We are going to give 67 South Africans R1000 each to realise their vision for a better country. The first 67 people to who share their most creative plans will walk away with R1000 for their 67-minute intervention. Even the smallest creative change can make a big difference.

The money is instantly transferrable once the idea is chosen. So if you, or anyone you know, is looking for R1000 to help make our country a better place through creativity, please send them our way!

Submit ideas through our Twitter or Facebook pages.

Below are some of the simple rules we ask our applicants to adhere to.

The rules of the Design Indaba Mandela Day creative interventions

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