Shorty & Billy Boy – A Tale of Two Naughty Dogs is written and illustrated by Gerard Sekoto and dates back to 1973.
It is a total delight to see this previously unpublished work now made available as a result of the Gerard Sekoto Foundation. It is noted that “The story was clearly written and illustrated as a personal exercise and possibly a sentimental souvenir of his own childhood memories…..Sekoto may well have composed it as a gift for children of friends, as he was often engaged in making greeting cards with accompanying illustrations”.
The Foundation also notes that it approved some editorial changes, with the aim of preserving the integrity and flavour of the unpublished story.
The watercolours are reproduced as he created them in the original document, and designer Sally Swart has cleverly introduced related sketches to add to the visual impact of the book – and which certainly works graphically. The designer has captured all the charm of the original while giving the images a visual energy and punch that provides a lively contemporary edge. A credit to good design!
The story is appropriately charming, and the images delight. The book is further enhanced with a brief history of the artist, including some of his iconic works. A children’s book that wil delight adults as well.
Shorty & Billy Boy – A Tale of Two Naughty Dogs, written and illustrated by Gerard Sekoto is co-published by The Gerard Sekoto Foundation and Jacana and is available for R100.
This review via Gorry Bowes Taylor’s Book Choice on FMR