Adopt-an-oven is a project that develops turn-key micro-bakeries through the provision of a wood-fired rocket oven, training, stock, equipment and mentoring.
“We launched our Thundafund campaign last week and our aim is to raise R45 000 for the first micro-bakery in Nkanini, Khayalitsha, one of the poorest communities in Cape Town” says Jeremy Barty, the visionary behind the project.
We’re passionate about baking bread and I love doing things differently so I started an uprising, so together with fellow revolutionary, Pete Rutherford, we’re focusing our skills and passion on teaching people in poor communities to bake bread in highly efficient and effective wood-fired rocket ovens, which require no electricity.
Over 95% of the community of 300 000 people are unemployed, the area has no running water and electricity, so we plan to raise the funds to install BREADrev’s first micro-bakery in Khayalitsha.
Aside from my passion for baking artisan bread, I want BREADrev to help individuals and families create an income opportunity with minimal capital inputs and low overheads to generate daily revenue that is equal or better than basic formal employment.
According to Barty, who also works in corporate change, the funds raised from this first project will enable the establishment of a micro-bakery which includes training in breadbaking, wood-fired rocket oven technology, basic entrepreneurship; opening stock; basic equipment and mentorship to get the bakery up and running.
Khayalitsha residents will benefit from healthier bread than the standard ‘government loaf’ at a considerably lower cost.
As a purist, Barty has integrated ancient practices into his breadbaking, which further reduces the need for expensive equipment, and uses time and the natural chemical reactions of the ingredients.
“Although the micro-bakeries might not use stone-ground flour, our process of breadbaking does not include any additives, preservatives, but gets the best out of the ingredients available”, says Barty.
For donations visit Thunderfund and look for BREADrev’s Raising Community Bakers page.
For further information contact 083 630 6861 or visit Breadrev