This Is My Story … Applauz Arts Initiative

by | Dec 13, 2013 | News | 0 comments

You are invited to This Is My Story … Applauz Arts Initiative on Monday 16 – Day of Reconcilliation – at the SA Missionary Church Museum.

Who am I? Where do I come from? What is My Story? Are questions we all ask ourselves. This quest of finding who we are is an age old phenomenon and not an easy task. Parents hold the key to the answers but yet the questions remain. This could be due to a lack of information, or denial, or ignorance or deliberate defence against emotional challenges.

This Is My Story … Applauz Arts Initiative new project was born out of the need to engage the youth, give them the skills to tell their story.

After 4 months of choreography, scriptwriting, shooting a movie (I should Have Stayed @ Home..),as well as going on personal journeys to discover their roots our candidates have reached the stage where they want to share their stories with family, friends and their community. This has been an intense journey of self discovery.  Each candidate will be showing their documentary that they have captured on video and edited under the watchful eye of Kurt Egelhof. (Isidingo, Generations Director/Producer)

The themes that occur in their documentaries are repeated in their dance/dramas professionally stitched together by Nigel Lucas. (Choreographer/ Teacher /Performer)

They have had an opportunity to write a script for their drama: The Platform – taken from their improvisation and acting classes with Natalia Da Rocha .(Teacher/Performer)

This Is My Story….  will not leave you untouched.  We need to give our youth the skills to enable them to go forward with dignity knowing who they are!
This is only the beginning………

WHAT: “This Is My Story” Showcase

WHEN: Monday 16th December @ 12h00 –

WHERE: SA Missionary Church Museum: 40 Long Street, CBD Cape Town 8001

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