WDC 2014 – Find Out More

by | Feb 11, 2014 | News | 0 comments

Cape Town Design NPC, in collaboration with entrepreneur Charles Maisel and Thundafund, will host 8 pitching sessions during 2014 to expose WDC 2014 recognised projects to potential funders, mentors and collaborators.

You are invited to the first sessions on 11 and 25 February from 5pm to 9pm for an entertaining and stimulating evening. Meet the minds behind dynamic design-driven projects offering innovations that address society′s needs.

Cape Town Design NPC will award R10 000 to the best project pitched at each session. Come along to get involved and put your money behind projects that move you. Maybe even walk away with new allies for your own initiatives.

Why these pitching sessions?

Here’s what WDC has to say: In an effort to realise the legacy ambitions of WDC 2014 we′d like to see as many of the recognised projects as possible brought to fruition and growth. These pitching sessions aim to:

  • Showcase the projects, what they are offering and what they need – in terms of funding, capacity and collaborations.
  • Expose projects to potential backers, through both large investments and crowdfunding.
  • Invite the public and business community to identify projects they would like to support.

Who will be pitching?

More than 400 design-led projects were selected for recognition in the WDC Cape Town 2014 programme. Each pitching session will showcase 20 to 30 of these projects. Click here to see the projects pitching on 11 February.

The following have a ‘Green by Design’ focus:

–    Open Streets (promotes temporary pedestrianisation in various locations)
–    Live Eco Remade Design (upcycle design competition)
–    Safe Township Lighting (renewable pedal-powered energy)
–    Pecha Kucha nights showcase variable projects, which may include ‘green’
–    100 Bicycles (promotes non-motorised transport)
–    Lentegeur Spring Project combines mental recovery with environmental regeneration

Who should attend?

Businesses looking for transformational innovators to mentor or support in cash or kind.
Investors and philanthropists – whether you have R500 or R1million to give.
Government planners who would like to support citizen initiatives.
Anyone interested in World Design Capital Cape Town 2014 projects.
Media who want to tell these great stories.

Event details: Pitching sessions will run monthly. For updated information click here.

Time: Arrival 5 for 5.30pm. Start 5.30pm. Pitches until 8.30pm. Networking after.

Venue: The German Club, 6 Roodehek Terrace, off Hope Street, Gardens, Cape Town.

Dates: 11 Feb 2014, 25 Feb 2014,  25 Mar 2014, 28 Apr 2014, 27 May 2014, 24 Jun 2014, 29 Jul 2014, 26 Aug 2014

Tickets: R50 ticket gets you entry, one free craft beer and free popcorn. Cash bar and food for sale.
Book tickets via Quicket for 11 Feb 2014 event; 25 Feb 2014 event

Who is the facilitator?

Charles Maisel is founder of Innovation Shack, a company that gives support to early-stage entrepreneurs with innovative ideas. Charles regularly lectures at South African universities on innovation and entrepreneurship. Over the past 10 years he has founded over 70 businesses and social enterprises in South Africa and raised over R200 million for business ventures. He holds an Honours degree in Economics from Rhodes University, became an Ashoka Global Fellow in 2000 and won a United Nations AGFUND Prize in 2002.

How will the money move?

Cape Town Design NPC has already allocated R1 million to go directly to recognised projects. We will award R10 000 to the best project pitched at each session. In addition, we have partnered with Thundafund to match the first R10 000 that WDC projects successfully raise through their Thundafund crowdfunding campaigns, up to a maximum of R900 000.

Bringing your agency and clients to help multiply this offering. Investors, philanthropists and crowdfunders can put their money (large and small) behind the projects that they believe in. Thundafund provides a mechanism for distribution directly to the project owner. Cape Town Design NPC plays a facilitative role and is not responsible for managing any agreements between donors and project owners.

WDC 2014 – another reason why #welovecapetown

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