Better Living Judges: Call Off the Search!

by | Aug 30, 2014 | News | 0 comments

Meet the Better Living Challenge Curatorial Team

The Better Living Challenge announced that Agata Karolina and Ralph Borland have been appointed as the curators of our Showcase taking place in October and November. Agata and Ralph will bring together the narrative of the Showcase, create the artistic framework and set up the vision that will make this a very significant public exhibition.

Karolina is  a designer, curator, initiator and the director of Agata Karolina Studio, as well as Common Methods. With a Master’s Degree in Contextual Design from the prestigious Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands, she is passionate about promoting process and change in the context of design culture. Agata has over 6 years of international experience in initiating, managing, directing and curating. She has been involved in the  programme management of Open Design Cape Town in 2013, as well as the curation of the Common Methods Exhibition which ran from the 14 to 24 of this month.

Ralph Borland is an artist, designer and curator. His extensive repertoire in exhibition work includes curating and designing the Future Foreshore exhibition at the City Hall in April earlier this year, and the 2011 Surface Tension – The Future of Water exhibition at the Science Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin. Ralph is also contributing towards the curatorship and design of an exhibition for World Design Capital Cape Town 2014 later this year. He is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Cape Town, where his research is focused on sustainability and climate change.

Let the count down to the #BLCShowcase begin!

via Cape Town Green Map

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