One of Athol Fugard’s most proÂfound works, Hello and Goodbye is a powÂerÂful and movÂing famÂily drama.
Set in the 1960s against a gritty Port ElizÂaÂbeth, Hello and GoodÂbye tells the story of two dirt poor white South Africans, an estranged brother and sisÂter who meet again after twelve years. Johnny’s older sisÂter HesÂter hears news of their father’s failÂing health and returns home to colÂlect her half of their inherÂiÂtance. LookÂing back on their childÂhood, they try to come to terms with their dysÂfuncÂtional family.
Drama • RunÂning Time: 75 mins
WritÂten by Athol Fugard | Directed by Chris Weare | PreÂsented by Sugar-daddy TheÂatre ComÂpany
Stephen Jubber spoke about the play and his role when interviewed for Cape Diary on Fine Music Radio
WHERE: Alexander Upstairs, 76 Strand Street, 8001 Cape TownWHEN: 13-25th October, 7pm. (except Sundays)
WHO: Stephen Jubber, Marlisa Doubel
WarnÂing: SmokÂing onstage