Hello and Goodbye by Athol Fugard @ Alexanders

by | Oct 14, 2014 | News | 0 comments

One of Athol Fugard’s most pro­found works, Hello and Goodbye is a pow­er­ful and mov­ing fam­ily drama.

Set in the 1960s against a gritty Port Eliz­a­beth, Hello and Good­bye tells the story of two dirt poor white South Africans, an estranged brother and sis­ter who meet again after twelve years. Johnny’s older sis­ter Hes­ter hears news of their father’s fail­ing health and returns home to col­lect her half of their inher­i­tance. Look­ing back on their child­hood, they try to come to terms with their dys­func­tional family.

Drama • Run­ning Time: 75 mins
Writ­ten by Athol Fugard | Directed by Chris Weare | Pre­sented by Sugar-daddy The­atre Com­pany

Stephen Jubber spoke about the play and his role when interviewed for Cape Diary on Fine Music Radio

WHERE: Alexander Upstairs, 76 Strand Street, 8001 Cape Town
WHEN: 13-25th October, 7pm. (except Sundays)
WHO: Stephen Jubber, Marlisa Doubel
Warn­ing: Smok­ing onstage


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