David Krut Projects Cape Town will present Jacob van Schalkwyk’s traveling Solo Project and Print Launch, DOLCEFARNIENTE, which originally opened at David Krut Projects in Johannesburg.
Collaborating with the David Krut Workshop since 2016, van Schalkwyk has produced a series of
abstract prints exploring colour and gestural mark-making that challenge the possibilities of
DOLCEFARNIENTE translates as “the enjoyment of idleness”, the sweetness (dolce) of doing (faro) nothing (niente). This exhibition at Montebello Design Centre showcases a new series of prints created in the workshop and his wider experimental practice, spanning a number of disciplines including performance, video,installation and sculpture.
It is a travelling solo project and print launch which will include a series of November Sunday performances. The solo project itself will also develop over time. There are many stories in the works. For example, the prints W and Waltz launched in the show are made on Japanese rice paper which belonged to Alice Goldin.
WHERE: David Krut Projects, Montebello Design Centre, 31 Newlands Avenue, Cape Town
WHEN: 4 October – 3 December 2017
OPENING RECEPTION: 4 October 2017 I 18:00 – 21:00
HOURS: Tuesday – Friday 9am – 5pm, Saturday 9am – 4pm
INFO: E dkct@davidkrut.com / 021 685 0676
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