Kimathi Mafafo, in pursuit of her commitment to include the public in her creative expression and self-reflection, will be performing live at Ebony/Curated on Thursday, 3rd October 2019 at 6:30 pm.
Join the performance at Ebony/Curated to see her creative process and enjoy her interaction with the audience.
Kimathi Mafafo is a multidisciplinary artist whose practise ranges from embroidery and oil painting to installation. Born in the semi-arid Northern Cape, Mafafo’s verdant imaginings, characterised by lush greenery and sensuous drapery, are far removed from the dusty mining town where she grew up.
Inspired by stories of women around her, Mafafo likens the women in her narratives to flowers slowly blossoming against all odds, subtly criticising traditional gender roles while at the same time encouraging women to realise their own strength.
For more information about the exhibition, see MapMyWay News Blog
WHEN: Thursday 3rd September 2019, 5:00 – 9:00 PM. The exhibition continues until 2nd November 2019.
WHERE: EBONY/CURATED 67 Loop Street, Cape Town 8001
INFO: T+27 (0)21 424 9985 I Visit |