The Cape Town Green Map celebrates its 11th birthday on World Environment Day, 5 June 2020. MapMyWay is proud to be part of the Cape Town Green Map team, which put out this message today.
“The Cape Town Green Map is an interactive and informative online resource which provides Capetonians and tourists with information about how to live, work and play in a manner that reduces their impact on the environment. The online tool was brought to life through a public-private partnership between the City and Mapmyway and supports the City’s vision of a sustainable future.
The Cape Town Green Map celebrates its eleventh birthday on World Environment Day today the 5 June 2020.
Most people recognise the importance and value of our environment, but often do not know how or where to begin making more sustainable, green choices. This is the very need the Cape Town Green Map, a site dedicated to green places and projects in the city, is addressing.
Now, more than ever, we need to support local enterprises and invest in our local economy by buying local produce, services and products – #localislekker
In fact, the Green Map has been guiding residents and visitors to the city’s sustainable green living projects and zones for the past 11 years. To date, the project has produced nine print edition maps covering topics such as smart living, waste and recycling, nature and green open spaces, responsible tourism, as well as cycling and non-motorised transport. Our latest Water Map can be downloaded here
Cape Town’s natural assets and biological diversity are part of what makes our city a unique and a desirable place in which to live and work. However, to ensure that our city continues to grow sustainably it requires us to challenge the way we think about urban challenges and our natural resources. Over the past eleven years, the Cape Town Green Map has promoted a fresh view of the city’s environment while reminding residents and visitors to enjoy Cape Town’s wealth of natural resources responsibly.
The Cape Town Green Map was initiated by the City and A&C Maps as a project in the Host City Cape Town 2010 FIFA World Cup™ Green Goal Action Plan, the environmental programme for the 2010 Soccer World Cup.
Cape Town Green Map is a global partner to Green Map Systems which provides the platform and collaborative networks to create maps in South Africa and all over the world. Their internationally recognised set of map icons is a universal symbol for sustainability and brings the maps to life.
‘We are grateful for this partnership, and for everyone in Cape Town that works to make it a better place for all. It’s a shining example to the world. With so many accomplishments, today, we join you in celebrating a very successful first decade,’ said the Green Map Systems founder, Wendy Brawer.
Cape Town Green Map has also built partnerships with Cape Town Tourism, Western Cape’s 110% Green Programme and Cape Town Routes Unlimited and many others. As part of World Design Capital 2014, the Cape Town Green Map created a ‘Green by Design’ icon, that was added to Global Green Maps’ universal set of symbols adopted around the world. The ‘Green by Design’ print map highlighted projects and products with environmental, social and cultural impacts to inform design and transform life. Similarly, a water-themed Cape Town Green Map will be launched later this year in recognition of the City and its residents’ commitment to on-going water saving and responsible water use.
The Cape Town Green Map hopes to raise more awareness about the environmental challenges our city is facing over the next decade and will continue to work alongside residents to sustain our natural resources by leading a greener, low impact, lifestyle.
Help us build our Cape Town Green Map by submitting your suggestions HERE ”
Cape Town Green Map team
PHOTO: Arne Purves