Music: The Cape Consort

by | Nov 16, 2012 | News | 0 comments

The Cape Consort, a group of singers and period instrumentalists, are spearheading a local early music revival in South Africa.

Presenting historically informed renditions of early and unusual works on period instruments, the group’s repertoire includes Monteverdi, Strozzi, Caresana, Schütz, Biber and Purcell. They continue their Monteverdi Project: Matrix of the Madrigal, launched in February this year, with Part II Heart/Attack.Venue:

Sigrid Rausing Studio, Fugard Theatre, corner of Caledon and Harrington streets

Price: TBC

Date & Time: November 18 and 25 and December 2.

Contact Detail Tel: 021 461 4554.


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