Solar bulbs + low-tech vertical vegetable garden

by | Dec 3, 2012 | News | 0 comments

Three informal dwellings were retro-fitted with solar bulbs and modular vertical vegetable gardens as part of a pilot programme .

This initiative is piloted by Touching the Earth Lightly™ in partnership with the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (USA); Greencube and the City’s Disaster Risk Management Centre.

“Green blocking” is a concept that Touching the Earth Lightly has developed, in partnership with Andrew Lord. It combines two design concepts – both simple, low-tech, cheap and duplicable
One – the vertical food garden wall – “green fire-walling”

The first is the concept of wrapping a lockable, low-tech vertical food garden around the shack. This provides the family with healthy, organic fresh food.
It also creates a “wall of water” around the shack, held within the soil, the plants and the geo-fabric. This wall of water thus protects the structure from shack fires. The structure can also be purpose-irrigated when at threat to fire.
The vertical food garden would also have thermal insulation properties that would regulate inside temperate of the shack.
Two – The solar bulb (in partnership with the Liter of Light Foundation)

The second design concept is to illuminate shacks that have no windows, and are dark during the day. This is achieved by placing a clear plastic bottle filled with water a small amount of bleach (to prevent the growth of algea) into the roof of the shack (with water-proofing) to act as a solar bulb by transmitting the light of the sun into the darkness under the roof. The life expectancy of the solar bulb is 2-3 years.
The pilot project will create opportunities for livelihoods, nutrition.  “I am very hopeful that this design concept can become a game changer,” comments Stephen lamb.

The pilot project, designed by Capetonians Stephen Lamb and Andrew Lord, will be conducted on a small scale in order to establish its feasibility. The project also aims to reduce the spread of fires in informal settlements.

Read more about the project

via Solar bulbs and low-tech vertical vegetable garden | Cape Town Green Map.

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