A Pattern Language opens at the Barnard on Wedensday 1 December at 6 – 8pm as part of the Newlands Village open evening. Complimentary drinks will be served.
A Pattern Language, a group exhibition of works by selected contemporary African artists. As the title suggests this exhibition explores notions of ‘pattern’ and ‘language’ – i.e., the use of forms and formats, as well as colour and composition, in visual communication. The positioning of these works in dialogue with one another is intended to encourage an exploration of the language of pattern and abstraction both in their universal form and usage, as well as, and perhaps more particularly how they relate to and are evidenced in a more localized African tradition.
The group show includes work by Tom Cullberg (Sweden / South Africa – see photo above), Justin Dingwall (South Africa), Richard Mudariki (Zimbabwe), Asha Zero (South Africa), Jill Trappler (South Africa), Alexia Vogel (South Africa), Katherine Spindler, (South Africa), John Baloyi (South Africa) and Ibim Cookey (Nigeria).
- Asha Zero xvs//t.xba, 20210 Collage
- Justin Dingwall (Collaboration with Roman Handt) Wheel of Life, 2021
WHAT: A Pattern Language
WHERE: Barnard, 55 Main St, Newlands, Cape Town 7600
WHEN: 1 December 2021 – 11 January 2022. Mon – Fri 10:00 – 14:00 Sat 10:00 – 12:00
INFO: T +27 021 671 1553 | E gallery@barnardgallery.com | Visit
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PHOTO: Tom Culberg, Untitled I, acrylic on canvas, 170 x 225 cm
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