Annual Wildlife Exhibition at The Cape Gallery

by | Jul 23, 2018 | News | 0 comments

Annual Wildlife Exhibition at The Cape Gallery reminds us that the preservation of wild places with their unique eco-systems has become a challenge to the conservators today. In presenting images of wildlife the artist is often an advocate for the survival and maintenance of endangered species.

Who has not sat at the fireside with friends and swapped stories of encounters with animals in the wild. Surely this is one of the oldest past times in the history of mankind. Travelers come from distant places to South Africa re-ignite the flame, to engage in the primal hunt with their cameras, to experience the bushveld and have a story to tell.

Scenes and events experience on Safari are so vivid, so visceral that it requires of the artist enormous skill to convey them with impact and daring. Recognition for those who achieve this is forthcoming and generous.

Featured artists:

  • Painting
    Noel Ashton, Lin Barrie, Heidi Burstein, Eugenia Campbell, Peter Diggery, Paul Dixon, Ant Fynn, Ann Gadd, Anthony Gadd, Peter Gray, David Hadaway, Margot Hattingh, Peter Höhsl, Barry Jackson, Robert Koch, Marinda Koch, Karin Kruger, David Kuijers, Mandy McKay, Adolfo McQue, Penny Meakin, Sophie Niemann, Nola Muller, Lisa Narramore, Makiwa Mutomba, Dino Paravano, Elizabeth Poulsom, Christopher Reid, Steve Shooter, Yvonne Sommeling, Frederike Stokhuyzen, Cobus van der Walt, Douw van Heerden, Gerbrand van Heerden, Ian van Zyl, Ron Waldeck.
  • Watercolour
    Craig Paton-Ash, Jenny Hyde-Johnson, Ron Campbell, Alison van Zijl
  • Pastel
    Angela Key
  • Drawing
    Marinda Koch
  • Graphics
    Peter Midlane, John Moore, Marilyn Southey
  • Prints
    Bowen Boshier, Sylvia de Villiers, Lisa Narramore
  • Sculpture
    Chris Bladen, John Ellison, Penny Gawith, Peter Gray, Maureen Quin, Bridget Randall, Rosie Sturgis, Christine Suzman, Steve Tugwell, Boniface Chikwenhere, Louis Le Sueur
  • Ceramics and embroidery
    Tania Babb, Keiskamma Project, Theo Ntuntwana

Come to a ‘Visual Safari’, making a connection with nature – annual wildlife exhibition at The Cape Gallery.

WHERE: The Cape Gallery, 60 Church Street, Cape Town 8001

WHEN: 30 July – 25th Aug. Featured on First Thursday 2nd Aug 6-9pm

INFO: T +27 21 4235309 or visit

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