AVA Gallery Saturday Walkabouts of Current Exhibitions

by | Mar 26, 2025 | Featured | 0 comments

The AVA Gallery Saturday Walkabouts of current exhibitions focuses on the SADC* Biennale on 12 April and Keiskama Artists on 5 April. The current exhibitions are:
  • Watching the Sky Fall – Dale Washkansky
  • A Collection to a Degree – Jean-Claude Nsabimana | Rory Emmett | Nobukho Nqaba | Ulriche Jantjes
  • The SADC* Biennale Hypothesised by Raul Jorge Gourgel + Rory Tsapayi
  • Keiskamma Artists in Profile Group show | Curated by Michaela Howse and Cebo Mvubu

NEWSFLASH! Discursive Programme at the SADC* Biennale – Changed to Saturday 12 April

Discursive Programme at the SADC* Biennale – Saturday 12 April | 11am | 35 Church Street
Joins AVA Gallery for a talk symposium exploring the ideas conceptualised in The SA*DC Biennale, an exhibition hosted in our Long Gallery.
The SA*DC Biennale a hypothetical fiction, a satirical misconception, and a subversive provocation. Both a parody of and a good-faith engagement with the defining structures of the biennial form and our regional bloc of nation-states, the S*ADC Biennale is a conceptual, anti-establishment, and experimental retort.
Raul Jorge Gourgel and Rory Tsapayi invited individual cultural workers and creative collectives to ‘represent’ eleven different countries with ‘national pavilions’ that, by design, unsettle nationalistic ideologies, arbitrary borders, and the logic of the state. These are housed in the SAD*C Giardini, a diorama of the imagined exhibition complex that hosts the Biennale*. Each pavilion hosts an exhibition of its own, curated under the theme of Towards a Common Relic.
Artists’ Walkabout: Keiskamma Artists in Profile – Saturday 5 April | 10am 
Artists: Nomonde Mthandana, Nombulelo (Kwandi) Paliso, Cebo Mvubu, Lindiswa Gedze, Olwethu Nkani, Zukiswa Zita, Nolusindiso Jakavula, Nosiphiwo Mangwane, Sinoxolo Zita, Nombulelo Jack, Siyabonga Maswana, Ncomeka Gedze and Nokuzola Mvaphantsi.
Curated by Michaela Howse and Cebo Mvubu.
This exhibition, marking twenty five years since Keiskamma Art Project’s inception, gives voice to individual artists within the well-known collective. It is the start of a move to nurture and profile artists who are developing their own voices within the context of the communal project. Within the moving currents of Ubuntu, strong individuals are still needed to lead, because if we are who we are through each other, uniqueness begets uniqueness. Expressions of integrity, beauty and rich inner worlds start the conversation collectively of what these could mean for each of us.
LEAD PHOTO: Nombulelo (Kwandi) Paliso with Sinoxolo Zita and Nombulelo Jack, Ameba ayandihlaba, 2025 (detail)
Enjoy the AVA Gallery Saturday Walkabouts. For more information about the exhibitions see AVA Gallery Programme – 4 Diverse & Exciting Exhibitions.
WHAT: AVA Gallery Saturday Walkabouts
WHERE: AVA Gallery, 36 Church Street, Cape Town 8001
WHEN: Walkabouts 5 & 12 April | Exhibitions until 16 April 2025
INFO: T 021 424 7438 | E admin@ava.co.za | VISIT

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