Photographer Nicholas Eppel documents the life of long-time Harrington Street resident, Elizabeth Barrett.
Titled A House in Harrington Street, Nicholas Eppel’s début solo exhibition reflects three years in the life of long-time Harrington Street resident, 68-year-old Elizabeth Barrett. Eppel’s photographs document Barrett’s house and life, which stand as a testimony to community living against the rapid gentrification of the inner city.
Barrett recently made headlines by saving 14 children from her burning house, which now stands in ruins.
The exhibition, which is sponsored by the Centre for Curating the Archive, University of Cape Town, and supported by the Cape Town School of Photography and Orms Pro Photo Warehouse, consists of 30 images: still lives, portraits and intimate moments of the household prior to the fire.
WHEN: opens February 27 at 6pm
WHERE: The Cape Town School of Photography, 4th Floor, 62 Roeland Street (Cnr Harrington St), Cape Town 8001
INFO: Jade Nair 021 480 7151021 480 7151, Centre for Curating the Archive
Via Mail & Guardian