Drama: Civil Parting @ Alexander Bar

by | Sep 9, 2013 | News | 0 comments

Civil Part­ing,  the latest play by Nicholas Spagnoletti, at Alexander Bar & Cafe, is a sav­age dra­matic com­edy about two men get­ting divorced.

Glenn and Jean-Pierre have been mar­ried for seven years, as long as gay mar­riage has been legal in South Africa. Things have changed between them but since they are pro­fes­sional, respectable mem­bers of the com­mu­nity, they have resolved to divorce ami­ca­bly. As they are kept wait­ing together in an attorney’s recep­tion, the cracks in their cor­dial­ity begin to show.

Pieter Bosch Botha and Shaun Acker are drected by Zanne Solomon.

WHEN: 9 to 18 September

WHERE: Alexander Bar & Cafe, 76 Strand Street (corner of Loop)


INFO: Tel 021 300 1652 or book at Alexander Bar

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