Drama: Rooi-land @ Baxter Theatre

by | Apr 23, 2013 | News | 0 comments

Set in the confined space of prison life, Tertius Kapp’s searing Rooi-land tells the stories of prison gang members as they struggle for private space in a cramped cell.  This chilling drama is currently showing at the Baxter Theatre.


In the midst of all the drama, the production gives an insider’s view on the criminal justice system in South Africa, the mythology surrounding prison gangs, and the underlying issues of criminality and politics that are at play. It is directed by Jaco Bouwer.


Baxter Flipside, Baxter Theatre Complex, Main Road, Ronde­bosch.


R90 to R120.

Date & Time:

Until April 27.

Contact Details:

Baxter Theatre or book at Computicket.

via Mail & Guardian

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