Want to get more business savvy? UCT Graduate School of Business is offering one South African artist the chance to kick-start his or her career.
There is a difference between being a good artist and being a successful artist. Most successful artists have got to where they are by understanding the business side of things.
In light of this, the UCT Graduate School of Business (GSB), in partnership with Design Indaba, is running a competition to award one local artist a place on its Business Acumen for Artists programme for 2015.
The course, which is valued at R7 500, will focus on key business skills such as how to negotiate when pitching artworks, how to manage finances, how to market your work, and how to understand all that administrative work like budgeting, cash flow and tax.
Heading up the course is the multi-talented Elaine Rumboll – entrepreneur, former performance artist, internationally published award-winning poet, blues singer and academic. Rumboll has run the programme for almost a decade, and strongly believes that any artist in any discipline would benefit from the business course, during which they can network with other creative professionals.
Over the years the programme has produced some notable business-savvy artists including fine artist Lorraine Loots, designer and pattern-maker Renée Roussouw, and Youtube sensation Suzelle DIY.
The course runs every Monday evening (6pm to 9pm) from the 31 August to 30 November, over 13 weeks at the UCT GSB campus. Delegates are further supported by six months of mentoring.
To enter the competition simply answer the questions below and send them, along with your name, surname and contact details to: baacompetition@rothko.co.za
1. How would you benefit from the Business Acumen for Artists short course?
2. What is your artistic field of practice?
3. What would a success look like for you at the end of this programme?
Make sure you get your answers in before the competition deadline on the 30 July 2015.
For more information about the Business Acumen for Artists short course, contact the Executive Education department at the UCT GSB on 0860 UCT GSB.
UCT Graduate School of Business competition: posted 23 Jul 15 By Kate Walker Creative Economy Creative Work / Design News