FNB Freedom Ride 9 August 2014

by | Aug 4, 2014 | News | 0 comments

Bicycles. Connecting Cities. Honoring Madiba. A World Design Capital 2014 initiative that helps bridge divides.

A social cycle of 27 km, highlighting practical cycling routes and exploring the city’s cultural heritage in memory of the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela.

Brought to you by the Bicycling Empowerment Network (BEN) in association with FNB, World Design Capital 2014, the City of Cape Town and Bicycle Cape Town – the FNB Freedom Ride is expected to attract up to 5,000 cyclists.

It is not a race and is non-competitive hence open to all ages and levels of fitness, whether experienced or just learning to ride.

THE ROUTE #ridethedivide

The distance is 27kms, one km for every year of Madiba’s incarceration. In symbolically riding 1km for every year of Madiba’s sacrifice of his freedom, the ride will explore the city’s cultural heritage, taking participants through a diverse network of urban transport and development corridors – highlighting practical cycle routes and enabling participants to experience the freedom of cycling in the city.

The ride will start in Rondebosch, pass through Athlone, Langa, Pinelands, Woodstock and end in the CBD. The route was carefully chosen to reflect how the bicycle can break down barriers and link communities historically kept separate.

The first of its kind in CT, it promises to be memorable, exciting and enjoyable.


Participation is free but riders must register to take part as numbers are limited. Detailed info such as registration procedure, ride route, ride checklists and links to resources on cycling in CT, bicycle rental and public transport options can be found here

Event:Freedom Ride CT
Start: August 9, 2014 7:00 am
Cost: FREE (donations are welcome)
Organizer: Freedom Ride E: info@freedomride.co.za
Where: start at Common Ground Church, 23 Milner Rd, Rondebosch
Time: 7am for 8am Start
Tel: 078 353 2188
Email: info@freedomride.co.za
Twitter: Freedom Ride

via Cape Town Green Map

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