Hidden Treasures of the Hebrew Baroque comes to Cape Town with the African Renaissance Ensemble and Lewandowski, after its resounding, sell-out success in Johannesburg in March.Â
2023 celebrates the 400th anniversary of the publication of Salomone Rossi’s Hashirim Asher L’Shlomo, the first Jewish Music ever notated. The African Renaissance Ensemble, in collaboration with The Lewandowski Chorale, presents a programme of selections from this momentous work alongside some of Rossi’s instrumental works and two other major Hebrew baroque compositions composed for the communities of Venice and Provence respectively.
This is the largest production ever undertaken by The African Renaissance Ensemble, featuring 11 instrumentalists (all on period instruments), 6 vocal soloists and a 20+ chorus, The Lewandowski Chorale. It’s like nothing you’ve ever heard before.
For a small taste and to find out more, check out their promo video
Adam H. Golding was interviewed on Cape Diary on Fine Music Radio and here is the podcast providing more background information to what you can expect
Hidden Treasures of the Hebrew Baroque is like nothing you’ve ever heard before!
WHAT: Hidden Treasures of the Hebrew Baroque
WHERE: Temple Israel, 5 Salisbury Rd, Kenilworth, Cape Town, 7708
WHEN: Sat 28 at October at 20:00 and Sun 29 October 15:00Â | at door R250
BOOKING:Â from R230 through Quicket | at door R250
INFO: Visit