High School Band Slam 2014: The finals!

by | Mar 6, 2014 | News | 0 comments

Throughout the month of February, 12 schools from around the Peninsula got the crowd at the V&A Waterfront’s Amphitheatre up and dancing with the return of the annual V&A Waterfront High School Band Slam!

After 12 performances by high schools from across Cape Town, the 2014 finalists have been announced.

Milnerton High, Wynberg Girls’ High, The Settler’s High and SACS have wowed the judges with their renditions of popular music and will bring the house down on Friday 7 March at 6pm at the outdoor Amphitheatre.

Talent this year was impressive, making competition tough. Even though only three finalists were to be chosen, four school bands made it to the final.

The winning school will receive R20 000 worth of a consultation and installation of equipment for their music department from Marshall Music.

Don’t forget to come down and support your favourite school band and spur them on. The school with the most crowd participation will also win the School Spirit Award sponsored by Coca-Cola.

What’s more, is that the Cape Youth Wind Ensemble will also be in attendance, so be sure to join in for a great night out.

WHAT: High School Band Slam 2014: The finals!
Venue: V&A Amphitheatre, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town 8001
When: Friday 7 March at 6 pm
Cost: Free

Another reason #welovecapetown so please vote now!

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