#HopeOnTheRise the first-ever virtual Cape Town International Kite Festival is just a few days away from lift-off!
The goal is to raise R250, 000 for Cape Mental Health to fund essential FREE mental health services. The need has never been greater!
The virtual 26th Cape Town International Kite Festival, from 10 to 31 October, combines real-life kite-flying & competitions with online kite-making workshops and a live virtual showcase featuring Dalin Oliver, Jarrad Ricketts and Manila von Teez.
And there’s a Concert: #HopeOnTheRise Virtual Showcase – 7 pm, Saturday 24 October 2020, featuring comedian Dalin Oliver, singer/songwriter Jarrad Ricketts and drag artist Manila von Teez
How can you help?
1. Spread the word on social media to family & friends
2. Get a ticket (R50 per person with FREE tickets available for those who can’t afford one)
3. Fly a kite anytime, anywhere (between 10 to 31 Oct) or share a message of hope, or favourite kite festival memory tagging @CTKiteFest and #HopeOnTheRise
WHAT: the virtual 26th Cape Town International Kite Festival
WHEN: 10 to 31 October 2020
WHERE: anywhere in the world – Virtual platform HERE
WHY: raise R250, 000 for Cape Mental Health to fund essential free mental health services
TICKETS: R50 per person (recommended minimum donation)available available
See also Cape Town Green Map
#HopeOnTheRise the first-ever virtual Cape Town International Kite Festival is just a few days away from lift-off to raise R250, 000 for Cape Mental Health
#HopeOnTheRise, Cape Town International Kite Festival, virtual, Cape Mental Health, Cape Town Green Map, MapMyWay,