Hout Bay – focus of Sanlam Arts Round Up

by | Jun 2, 2023 | Featured | 0 comments

Shaun Bloch - 2 unique reasons to visit Hout Bay!

Hout Bay – and Shaun Bloch focuses on two unique destinations – Ye Olde Artifact Cove & Shipwreck Shoppe and the Hout Bay Trading Store, featured on this week’s Sanlam Arts Round Up.

Listen to the Sanlam Arts Round Up on Fine Music Radio FMR 101.3fm every Friday at 17h30

Shaun provides some background to Mariner’s Wharf, the location of  Ye Olde Artifact Cove & Shipwreck Shoppe. Mariner’s Wharf was opened in 1984 and the restaurant decor has a very nautical theme – you could be dining on an ocean liner. The ‘Shipwreck Shop’ as it’s often referred to is a treasure chest of more than 20 000 nautical memorabilia. You are transported back in time. This is a unique location that is certainly worth a visit.Hout Bay Trading Store

Then across from the harbour and into the village is the Mainstream Mall, which is the location for the Hout Bay Trading Store, which houses a wide selection of South African Antiques. The building itself is an old cottage dating back to 1896 when it was the shop of Dorman & Son. Stanley Dorman, a descendent of this immigrant family to South Africa is the man behind these developments in the harbour and village.

Ye Olde Artifact Cove & Shipwreck Shoppe and the Hout Bay Trading Store provide at least two unique reasons for heading down south!


WHAT: Ye Olde Artifact Cove & Shipwreck Shoppe   |   Hout Bay Trading Store
WHERE: Mariner’s Wharf, Harbour Road,                      |   Mainstream Mall, Main Road, Hout Bay
INFO: T 021 790 1100  Visit                                            |   T 021 791 2000  Visit 

Ye Olde Artifact Cove & Shipwreck Shoppe [29] 

Hout Bay Trading Store [30]

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