Jane Taylor – After ‘After Cardenio’

by | May 9, 2013 | News | 0 comments

Commissioned by Renaissance scholar Stephen Greenblatt to create a work in hypothetical relation to the so-called ‘missing’ Shakespeare play, Cardenio, Jane Taylor first staged After Cardenio in 2011 at Hiddingh Campus’s historical Anatomy Lecture Theatre.

Taylor not only discusses the creative process behind this project, but also considers the volatility of creative engagement with archives at a Great Text lecture on Thursdays for the month of May.

The playtext arose from a scholarly engagement with the story of a seventeenth-century woman, Anne Greene, hanged for infanticide, whose body was given over for an autopsy at Oxford University, but revived on the anatomy table. Jane Taylor is Visiting Professor at the University of Chicago and Mellon Research Advisor at the University of the Western Cape, and a member of the Board of Handspring Puppet Company – read more

Great Texts lectures take place on Thursdays for the month of May. Refreshments will be served from 17:00. All Great Texts sessions are free and no booking is required.

Contact: +27 21 480 7156 |  gipca

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