Joy from Africa to the World is a beautiful and powerful message that underscores the Christmas theme at the V&A Waterfront!
A visit will reveal a stunningly creative approach that showcases handcrafted work by communities locally and throughout the continent. The ‘Joy from Africa to the World’ initiative is an example of a caring and responsible ethos and symbolises the magic that happens when co-creating with the art, craft and design community.
Find out more by listening to this interview with Tinyiko Mageza, Executive Manager: Marketing, V&A Waterfront.
The Sanlam Arts Round Up is brought to you every Friday, at 15h45, on Drive Time on Fine Music Radio. Next Friday, 31 December, the focus will be on special events in 2021 and exhibitions to delight and amuse as we move into the new year.
While primarily a Festive Season initiative, ‘Joy from Africa to the World’ is more than Christmas decorations. It isintended as a platform to celebrate the best of local design and herothe art and craftsmanship ofcreative individuals in diverse communities across the country and the continent. All materials are sustainably-sourced and all installations are handmade. For more information on the 100 Beautiful Baskets that Tinyiko refers to in the interview see the News Blog.
To get a better idea of what’s available to see and do in the eclectic cultural mix that the V&A Waterfront has to offer, please pick up a copy of the Arts + Crafts Map
The WHAT, WHY & WHERE of the
arts scene in around Cape Town
see the arts + crafts map
and listen in to the
Arts Round-Up Fridays @15:45
on Fine Music Radio FMR 101.3fm