Last edition of Art South Africa and NEW development announced

by | Jun 22, 2015 | News | 0 comments

After thirteen years of publishing, it is with some sadness that we announce that this will be the final edition of ARTsouthAFRICA magazine.

However, the publishers and founders are pleased and excited to announce that they look forward to taking the conversation forward in the form of a completely new and international publication, ART AFRICA magazine!

“In our drive to include more international voices from North and East Africa, the Middle East and beyond, we feel that our publication has matured to such an extent that we are now comfortable to launch a truly international brand that covers contemporary art from the entire continent. Please follow ARTsouthAFRICA’s social media and digital platforms, and stay tuned for more information about the new ART AFRICA magazine!”


The ‘Painting’s Not Dead!’ Issue (13.4) completes Volume 13 of ARTsouthAFRICA, and features numerous opinion pieces, exclusive interviews and poignant exhibition reviews.  Visit

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