Leading neuropsychologist and psychoanalyst Mark Solms: Quality and the Brain

by | Aug 12, 2013 | News | 0 comments

Leading neuropsychologist and psychoanalyst, Professor Mark Solms, will discuss the brain mechanisms of consciousness, feeling, emotion and value at the Medical Humanities lecture on Thursday 15 August at the Anatomy Lecture Theatre, UCT Hiddingh Campus.

Mark Solms is best known for his discovery of the forebrain mechanisms of dreaming, and his pioneering use of psychoanalytic methods and theories in contemporary neuroscience. He has published more than 300 papers in both neuroscientific and psychoanalytic journals, and five books, including The Neuropsychology of Dreams (1997), Clinical Studies in Neuropsychoanalysis (2000) and The Brain and the Inner World (2002).

In this lecture, Quality and the Brain, ProfessorSolms will discuss the brain mechanisms of consciousness, feeling, emotion and value, unpacking the implications for both aesthetics and ethics. Following the argument that consciousness originates from within, he will explain conscious experience as a subjective phenomenon, constrained (rather than shaped) by external perception.
The lecture will also consider the relationship between consciousness and emotion, highlighting the significance of empirical investigations of the intrinsic and inherently value-laden systems of the brain.

Professor Mark Solms is the Head of the Department of Psychology at the University of Cape Town, president of the South African Psychoanalytical Association, a member of the British Psychoanalytical Society, and an Honorary Member of the New York Psychoanalytic Society. Other honours include the George Sarton Medal for contributions to the history and philosophy of science (Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 1996), the International Psychiatrist award for contributions to American psychiatry (American Psychiatric Association, 2001), and the Sigourney Prize for contributions to psychoanalysis (2012).

WHEN: Thursday 15 August 2013 at 17:30 i

WHERE: Anatomy Lecture Theatre, Old Medical School Building, University of Cape Town (UCT) Hiddingh Campus, Orange Street, Cape Town

COST:  free, refreshments will be served from 17:00; no booking is necessary.

Presented by UCT’s Gordon Institute for Performing and Creative Arts (GIPCA) and Department of Social Anthropology, this new public lecture series will speak to the growing interdisciplinary field of medical humanities, which includes the social sciences and the arts, in pursuit of intellectual synergies and their application to medical pedagogy and practice.
Forthcoming speakers include prominent researchers from a range of disciplines: Raj Ramesar, head of the Division of Human Genetics, UCT; Catherine Burns, WITS Institute for Social and Economic Research; and Elelwani Ramugondo, head of the Division of Occupational Therapy, UCT.

INFO: contact the GIPCA office on 021 480 7 156 or fin-gipca@uct.ac.za.

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