Rust-en-Vrede Gallery is proud to present two upcoming exhibitions – a solo exhibition by Madeleine van Manen in Salon C, and a group exhibition titled Palate, Plate, Palette in Salon A and B.
Madeleine van Manen
“You don’t necessarily find silence in a quiet environment – You find silence where you expect noise”
Coming Home, Madeleine van Manen
Madeleine van Manen uses the above mentioned as starting reference for her upcoming solo exhibition at Rust-en-Vrede Gallery titled – ‘You Find Silence Where You Expect Noise’
She declares that urban and suburban areas are developed to a point of bursting. We live in constant chaos of commuting, communicating, socialising, managing our security, optimising mental and physical health, goals etc.
The intimate engagement and emotional attachment we have with our physical environment result in a mad buzz of collective energy – a noise both external and internal, real and abstract. The only way to find sanity and silence is to detach even when escape is not possible.
Ironically, the silence we are seeking can be found in this built environment – the same environment Van Manen tries to depict in her paintings by removing the unnecessary or unwanted detail (noise) from the artworks, creating an eerie feeling of forlornness, pensiveness and tranquility.
Palate, Plate, Palette
Curated by Donavan Mynhardt, Palate, Plate, Palette explores the depiction of food in contemporary art.
Food is about more than survival. With it we make friends, court lovers and count our blessings. Sharing food has always been part of the human narrative. Children make mud pies, have tea parties, trade snacks to make friends, and mimic the rituals of adults. They celebrate with sweets from the time of their first birthday, and the association of food with love will continue throughout their life – and in some belief systems, into the afterlife…
“If you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with him…the people who give you their food give you their heart.” – Cesar Chavez
Participating Artists include: Alexander Knox, Alice Toich, Amor Jacobs, Amos Letsoalo, André Serfontein, Anton Betz, Buhle Nkalashe, Carla Botes, Caryn Scrimgeour, Corinne de Haas, Corné Eksteen, Craig Cameron-Mackintosh, Diane Mclean, Ella Cronjé, Frank van Reenen, Gary Frier, Geena Wilkinson, Gretchen van der Byl, Helena Hugo, Heather Gourlay-Conyngham, Hennie Meyer, Jaco Benade, Jonathan van der Walt, Judy Woodborne, Kate van Putten, Kelly John Gough, Kurt Pio, Léan van der Merwe, Lesley Ireland Mathew, Liz Sanchez, Liz van den Berg, Lynie Olivier, Marike Kleynscheldt, Marinda Combrinck, Marli Steyl, Michael Chandler, Oliver Scarlin, Paul Birchall, Paul Painting, Purnaa Deb, Sandile B Cele, Santie de Bruyn, Sarah Walters, Sonja Kastner, Sophie Peters, Stian Bam, Wendy Gaybba and Ydi Coetsee.
WHERE: RUST-EN-VREDE GALLERY, 10 Wellington Rd, Durbanville, Cape Town 7550
WHEN: Opening : Tuesday, 9 April at 19h00 Exhibitions run until 8 May.
INFO: T 021 976 4691 | E | Visit
PHOTO: Marike Kleynscheldt, Stay Gold