Phefumla Annual Festival at Philippi Village

by | Jul 7, 2022 | Arts & Culture, Entertainment, News | 0 comments

Artistic expressions of dance, music, visual installations and theatre

The Phefumla Annual Festival will run from Friday 8th to Saturday 9 July 2022 from 12pm until 5pm at Philippi Village in Philippi.

Phefumla Queer Collective in partnership with Amandla Development and Triangle Project presents the first Phefumla Annual Festival. The festival will amplify the visibility of queer youth lived experiences in their communities through artistic expressions of dance, music, visual installations and theatre. The themes of this year’s festival are promoting Mental Wellness, advocating against Gender-Based and Sexual Violence, and the bullying of queer learners. The festival is unique in that it is by learners, for learners and about learners. Members of the community, parents, educators, and peers will also participate in the festival. The cover charge is R50, and block bookings can be made.

Phefumla Annual FestivalThe participating learners are from different township areas that include KhayelitshaMakhaya, Makhaza, Site B, Site C, Kuyasa, Mfuleni, Crossroads, Nyanga, Eerste River, Southfield, Lower Crossroads, Philliphi, Samora and Stellenbosch.

From Friday 8th to Saturday 9 July 2022 from 12pm until 5pm at Philippi Village in Philippi queer youth will use artistic expressions to illustrate the themes of the festival.

  • On Friday 8 July the festival starts at 12pm with an art procession departing from Philippi Village through the streets, vending stalls and taxi ranks ending at Philippi Mall. The procession includes an unfolding art installation forming part of the arts parade.
  • At Philippi Mall there will be brief performances and the distribution of material that contain mental wellness and educational messages to educate the community about SOGIESC (Sexual orientation, Gender Identity, Expression, and Sex Characteristics) and issues of discrimination against LGBTIAQ+.
  • On Saturday 9 July the festival starts 12pm at Philippi Village with a showcase of theatre, dance and music performances, conversations, exhibitions and screenings.
    The learner-led festival is for the entire community affected by challenges youth face and are afraid to talk about. The theme of mental wellness is particularly important with the rise in youth taking their own lives as a result of everyday traumas.

Phefumla’s mission is to create platforms that allow learners to explore and embrace creativity in working towards uniting LGBQTIA+ learners, allies, parents, and the community to challenge the perpetual hate and trauma that youth endure.

WHAT: Phefumla Annual Festival
WHERE: Philippi Village in Philippi, Cape Town 7750
WHEN: Friday 8th to Saturday 9 July 2022 from 12pm until 5pm
TICKETS: cover charge is R50
INFO: Luvuyo Kakaza T 060 960 8935 | LikweziArts 

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