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Re Mmogo – We are Together – at Sanlam Art Gallery

by | Feb 10, 2023 | Featured | 0 comments

Sanlam and MTN Collections

Re Mmogo – We are Together – at the Sanlam Art Gallery brings together two important corporate collections and we speak to Stefan Hundt, Curator of the Sanlam Art Collection and Niel Nortje, Manager of the MTN Collection about this exhibition.

Listen to the Sanlam Arts Round Up on Fine Music Radio FMR 101.3fm every Friday at 17h30

Stefan and Niel tell us about the new collaboration that Sanlam and MTN have entered into both in South Africa and Africa.

Re Mmogo, Sanlam Arts Round up

Manzi Lizo – Civil War is a Disgrace

This prompted the move to review their very different art collections and develop the exhibition with the theme of “Re Mmogo – We are Together”.

The Sanlam collection is the older one, having been started in 1965, and has a wider range of classical works. MTN started collecting in 1998 and the focus extends beyond South Africa to art and traditional works of art.

Working with the combined collections of almost 4 000 works, this created exciting possibilities in showcasing what they thought initially would be an overview of 100 years of work spanning 1923 to 2023. There are 93 artworks on exhibition in this very varied and stimulating show.

Re Mmogo is on view from 15 February. Gallery hours are 09:30 to 16:30 Mon to Fri. For the weekend of the Investec Cape Town Art Fair, the gallery will be open on Saturday 18 February from 10:00 to 15:00.

WHAT: Re Mmogo – We are Together
WHERE: Sanlam Art Gallery, 2 Strand Road, Belville, Cape Town
WHEN: Opening 15 February 2023  |  Hours 09:30 to 16:30 Mon to Fri | Saturday 18 February 10:00 to 15:00
INFO: T 021 947 3359 | E | Visit

Sanlam Art Gallery [32]

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