Revue: Boylesque @ Alexanders Upsatirs

by | Jul 2, 2013 | News | 0 comments

Con­cieved by Sta­n­imir Stoykov and Sibu Radebe, Boy­lesque is a comic revue paying trib­ute to the 1930’s and 40’s Amer­i­can style of bur­lesque striptease per­for­mances, but with a South Africa twist! It’s a fun jour­ney through a smor­gas­bord of gen­res and styles cov­er­ing com­edy, singing, bal­let, disco and drag. The cast of this vari­ety show go through twenty two cos­tume changes in an hour!

It’s a tongue in cheek sexy and fun cel­e­bra­tion of tal­ent, ver­sa­til­ity,  and of course, the male and female physique.

WHERE: Alexanders Upstairs, 76 Strand Street (cor Loop St), Cape Town

COST: R120

CONTACT: T 021 300 1652 or visit

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