Curated Routes

Curated by locals who know the secrets of the city, Mapmyway helps you find your way to places and events that appeal to your personal taste.

Khayelitsha Accommodation Route

Maria Maile recommends some great places to stay in hospitable Khayelitsha.

Cape Town City Heritage Walk

Cape Town City Heritage Walk

Discover some of Cape Town’s rich and varied heritage with Fagmee Jacobs.

Cape Point Art Route, Cape Town Big6, #CTBig6

Cape Point Art Route

Discover interesting museums and galleries along the scenic Cape Point Art Route.

UCT Summer School Heritage Route

UCT Summer School Curated Heritage Route

Interesting heritage sites close to UCT that are worth a visit. These are noteworthy places – some with a link to UCT – that you could visit.

Interfaith City Walk

Gwynne Robins and Mohammad Groenewald take you on a journey to the Religious Heart of the City.

Khayelitsha Adventure & Activities Route

Buntu Matole shares his passion for sports and adventure activities within Khayelitsha.

2016 Green Red Wine Award Winners Route

Neil Piper takes you to 6 award winning wine estates.

The Woman’s Circle-in-the-City

Nancy Richards shares her Women’s Circle-in-the-City Route.

Table Mountain Hiking Route

Table Mountain Hiking Route

Table Mountain Hiking Trails Route with useful suggestions for a coffee, breakfast or lunch break afterwards as your reward.

East City Museum Map, SA Jewish Museum

Jewish City Walking Route

Gavin Morris, the Director of the SA Jewish Museum, suggests that this walk is a good start to connect with the local Jewish narrative past and present.

Khayelitsha Arts, Culture & Shopping Route

Come explore the shops and creative arts scene in Khayelitsha with Juma Mkwela.

IZIKO William Fehr Collection, Castle of Good Hope

Iziko Museum Route

Iziko Museums of South Africa (Iziko) operates 11 national museums, each with its own history and character.

Khayelitsha Restaurants, Cafes and Nightlife Route

Abigail Mbalo takes you to exciting places to enjoy the good times in Khayelitsha.

2016 Green White Wine Award Winners Route

Neil Piper takes you to 5 award winning wine estates.

East City Museum Route, Colonial History, Castle of Good Hope

Instant Culture & Heritage Route

This is a snap intro to what’s in walking distance from the Cape Town International Convention Centre.

Khayelitsha Routes

Khayelitsha is the largest township in Cape Town and is situated 30km south east of the
city centre, just off the N2. 

It’s a vibrant township known for its entrepreneurial spirit and social development projects. The people are friendly and inviting, the area is rich in culture and diversity, and is a truly South African experience that will stay with you forever.