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Rupert Museum Saturday & Open Call to Artists

by | Jun 28, 2024 | Featured | 0 comments

Eliz-Marie Schoonbee on the Arts Round Up

Last Saturday of the month, so it’s Rupert Museum Saturday tomorrow, and Eliz-Marie Schoonbee also gives us news about the Open Call to artists.

Listen to the Arts Round Up on Fine Music Radio FMR 101.3fm on Fridays at 17h30

Rupert Museum
Eliz-Marie begins by telling us about this 3rd Open Call to Artists. The Rupert Museum is inviting artists and creatives, from any creative industry, platform or profession, to take inspiration from AbstRacT – the hidden synchrony exhibition from the collections of the Huberte Goote Art Foundation and Rupert Art Foundation in Graaff Reinet. NO problem if you cannot get there, as you can view the exhibition online. The idea is to get artists to respond to this selection of 20th Century modern South African art and how it is paired with the close-up photography of Oscar Forrel.  Responsive works are to be submitted electronically and a panel of judges will review for possible inclusion in a selling group exhibition to be showcased in the Jan Rupert Art Centre located in Graaff-Reinet from February to September 2025. Another good reason to visit Graaff Reinet (and The Owl House in nearby Nieu-Bethesda).

Tomorrow, 29 June, being the last Saturday of the month, means that it’s Museum Saturday – open day for families. (See Rupert Museum Saturday – 29 June)  For example, to get juices flowing, kids and parents can participate in the three Kids Creative Corners. Eliz-Marie mentions the live music from 1 to 3:30pm by Deon Valor, which is free for all to enjoy. A lot of the workshops will be fully booked, so keep an eye out on social media to keep ahead of the game and also check in with MapMyWay News Blogs to know what’s on offer every Museum Saturday.

Eliz-Marie also highlights two current exhibitions. The Huberte Rupert Collection is now in its 2nd rotation, showcasing 50 works from the recently published book by Amanda Botha, The Art Collection of Huberte Rupert – South African Art of the 20th Century. The other exhibition is Artology – select works from the University of Pretoria Museums .

LOTS of reasons to head off to the Rupert Museum on Saturday 29 June or any other day that you are in Stellenbosch!

WHAT: Open Call to Artists & Rupert Museum Saturday June 29
WHERE: Rupert Museum, Stellentia Road, Stellenbosch
WHEN: 29 June 2024 | Saturday Gallery Hours 10:00 – 16:00 | Tues to Fri 10:00 – 17:00  Sat to Sun 10:00 – 16:00
INFO: T +27 21 888 3344 | E | VISIT

Rupert Museum [37]

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