Salgado Exhibition Now @ Møller Art Gallery

by | Feb 3, 2014 | News | 0 comments

Andrew Salgado’s solo exhibition, “Enjoy The Silence,” is now on display at the Christopher Møller Art Gallery.

I will be brief.

I am in no way qualified to speak about art at any kind of intellectual level.  That being said, I enjoyed the gallery and encourage everyone with an interest in art to pay the exhibition a visit.  (Entrance into the exhibit is free so no actual paying will be involved; unless you decide to buy one of his paintings.)

I will leave it at that and let you make the judgment call.

Still unsure?  Visit my SkyDrive gallery for pictures of the event.

WHAT:  Andrew Salgado.  A Solo Exhibition.  “Enjoy The Silence”
WHEN:  30 January – 14 March 2014
WHERE:  Christopher Møller Art Gallery, No. 7 Kloofnek Road Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa
HOURS:  Tuesday-Friday 10:00-17:00, Saturday 10:00-13:00

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