The Slave Route Challenge powered by Brimstone, voted Road Race of the Year for 2018 by Western Province Athletics, will take place in Cape Town on 31 March 2019.
The Slave Route Challenge started in 2011 with just over 2000 runners. Last year’s event attracted more than 9 000 participants with host club, Brimstone Itheko Sport Athletic Club, expecting to top that in 2019 as March is a traditionally busy period for the Mother City. Runners and walkers come from all over the country and even as far away as Reunion Island, as the unique route winds past some of Cape Town’s most prominent heritage sites and provides an opportunity to gain a different perspective on Cape Town’s rich and diverse cultural history.
From City Hall in Darling Street, the route embraces District 6, Gardens, the Company Gardens, Wale Street, BoKaap, Sea Point (Cape Town Stadium), Green Point (Fort Wynyard), the CBD, up Adderley Street into Spin Street (Slave Plaque) and then through the Castle of Good Hope to finish on the Grand Parade.
One of the favourite points has to be ‘Koesister Hill’ in the historic Bo-Kaap, so called because as runners reach the peak of the hill, they are greeted by a bevy of residents sugaring these delectable Cape Malay confections before handing them out to delighted participants.
Slave Route Challenge powered by Brimstone comprises four separate events
The Slave Route Challenge powered by Brimstone comprises four separate events – runners can do as many as they can fit in –
- a half marathon and
- a 10KM run (both timed and sanctioned by Western Province Athletics),
- a 10KM walk and
- a 5KM fun run (costs below).
The Race Beneficiary this year is the Mary Harding School, which provides vital educational assistance to young people who have mild to moderate mental impairment.
Farouk Meyer, event organizer from Itheko Sports Management, who himself is a Sub 3hr Marathoner with 10 Two Oceans Ultra Marathons under his belt, is excited about the new timing of the event saying: “Hosting the Challenge in March potentially opens the event up to a greater audience, including the hordes of international visitors who will be in the Mother City over the period. It is a wonderful opportunity to share our history and what better way than through the fun of running together through the streets of Cape Town.”
Because the Challenge is as much about getting fit as it is about knowledge sharing, each participant will receive a free voucher to visit the Castle of Good Hope during the month of April as well as entry to the District 6 museum.
On top of this, everyone finishing the Challenge will earn a unique medal – part of a series of collectibles. (The unveiling of this year’s theme will be done in March…).
Powerful Message & Meaning
Cape Town hosts a multitude of sporting events, each with their own merit, but the Slave Route Challenge powered by Brimstone, is possibly one that has the most meaning.
At a time when our country faces many challenges, there is no better time to come together to have fun, celebrate our differences, remember our past, while exploring new avenues and embarking on the adventure of the future on the road that lies ahead.
Slave Route Challenge Event Details
Entry costs:
Half Marathon licenced – R130
Half marathon unlicensed – R190
10km run senior (age 20 upwards) licenced – R85
10km run senior (age 20 upwards) unlicensed – R125
10km run junior (age 19 and under) licenced – R65
10km run junior (age 19 and under) unlicensed – R90
10km Walk (all) – R50
5km Fun Run – R30
Please note the half marathon and 10km run are the only timed events.
Record time:
21km : 1:03:56
10km : 31:03
Closing date for entries: 17 March 2019
Entry forms
Online at Webtickets
Manual entries at all Sportsman Warehouse outlets in Western Cape:
Canal Walk, Somerset West, West Coast Village, Rondebosch, Tokai, Tygervalley and Sea Point.
see also Cape Town Green Map