Dame Janet Suzman stars in Solomon and Marion, written and directed by Lara Foot opens on 10 July at the Baxter Theatre. A story of two injured souls, portrayed by Janet Suzman and Khayalethu Anthony, searching for redemption in the fragile, post-apartheid South Africa.
As the new South Africa prepares for the World Cup finals, old divisions and suspicions seem as deep as ever, and the intruder she has been expecting, dreading and needing arrives. Can true reconciliation turn darkness into hope?
This is a beautifully crafted work that is given an edgy warmth with two great performances that will keep you engrossed and at times, on the edge of your seat.
Dates and Times:
Opens on 10 July at 19:00
Thereafter Monday to Saturday at 19:00
Matinee on Saturday, 13 July, at 14:00
Monday–Thursday R150
Friday and Saturday at 19:00 R180
Matinee R150
Discounts (Monday–Thursday only):
Students, senior citizens and block bookings of 10 or more R100
Booking:Â Baxter Theatre or Computicket
Written and directed by Lara Foot
With Janet Suzman and Khayalethu Anthony
Set design by Patrick Curtis
Lighting design by Mannie Manim