A solo exhibition by Simon Jones, titled Soulful Sojourns opens at the Irma Stern Museum on Saturday 9 November, 2013.
Simon came to Cape Town from his birthplace Lagos, Nigeria in 1956. Educated at Bishops and with a diploma in Graphic Design from the Cape College for Advanced Technical Education, he decided against pursuing a life in advertising.
Of a solitary nature and having always had a passion for painting, his mother Mary Hart being an accomplished artist, Simon has devoted his life to art ever since. Happily ensconced in Fish Hoek for the past twenty years, his works echo the rustic remove of his surroundings. Painting, he maintains, is a spiritual process and Simon lets little block his access to the muse.
Simon’s chosen medium is acrylic, his subject matter a timeless perusal of man’s relationship to nature. His paintings transcend the trappings of the current age and many discern a dreamlike, even biblical, atmosphere therein.
His first one-man show was in 1975 at the Goodman-Wolman Gallery in Cape Town. Since then Simon has mainly shown at the Atlantic Art Gallery, also in Cape Town, his impressive tally of one-man shows now stands at 30.
WHERE: Irma Stern Museum, Cecil Road, Rosebank, Cape Town
WHEN: 9-30 November, 2013
HOURS: Open: Tue-Friday 10am-5pm; Sat: 10am-2pm