Watch the Source to Sea River Corridor video. This full-length video profiles the Source to Sea River Corridor initiative, which links the Table Mountain National Park with the Zandvlei Estuary Nature Reserve, via two primary river corridors – the Diep river, and the Prinskasteels-Keysers rivers.
The Source to Sea project aims to promote a catchment approach for river management; to improve the identified river corridors to restore healthy ecosystems and increase urban green space for recreation; to develop opportunities for eco-heritage, education, recreation and tourism; and provide short and long-term local employment opportunities.
This video includes inputs from various stakeholders who have been involved with the project, and presents the comprehensive vision for the Source to Sea project.
Rehabilitating our rivers | Source to Sea River | Full-length
ENJOY visiting the Source to Sea Corridor – you’ll be able to #STAYSAFE and #STAYCONNECTED!
What is a catchment?
Land and water are linked in a natural system called a catchment, which is literally the area of land that catches water and directs it to a stream, river, lake or ocean. In this way, a catchment is the land where water collects as it travels from Source to Sea. As this water travels through the catchment it interacts with a network of people and nature.
Redeveloping and restoring these urban rivers is important for many reasons:
It supports natural processes (flood prevention, waste decomposition, soil regeneration, seed dispersal etc.) which we are absolutely dependent on for our survival
It provides and protects the habitat for plants and animals that we love
It improves water quality and quantity – It’s time to realise that water doesn’t just fall from the sky whenever we need it and it doesn’t magically pour out of the tap when opened. Our freshwater resources and infrastructure are precious and need to be protected, conserved and managed well to ensure sufficient supply for ourselves and future generations
It gives us a beautiful place to exercise, relax and unwind that stimulates our physical and mental well-being
It goes hand in hand with revitalising communities and creates a sense of place critical to any community
It connects urban dwellers with the natural world – right in our own backyard! – giving us a chance to learn about plants, wildlife and natural processes
But urban rivers are fragile
Every time we change the flow of the water or add in a concrete channel, we lose critical habitat for the many different species that live in and near the river, and we speed up the river flow, which makes us more at risk to floods and erosion. Waste from pets, lawn fertilizers, litter, paint, soap – anything we let touch the ground in the catchment can be washed into the waterway. This pollution not only kills species that live in the water, but also reduces water quality and affects both plant, animals and humans. Visit the Source to Sea website
INFO: Visit the Source to Sea website
See also Cape Town Green Map