The Rhinos Are Coming to V&A’s Goodnight Friday

by | Sep 27, 2019 | News | 0 comments

The Rhinos Are Coming to V&A’s Goodnight Friday and you are invited to a party at Nobel Square, V&A Waterfront on Friday 27 September from 5:00 pm to 9:000 pm. #TRAC!!! are bringing nine Rhinos together in a spectacular Rhino Display.

#TRAC!!! is part of V&A’s Goodnight Friday and an extension of World Rhino Day, when the winners of the Selfie Competition will be announced.

TV presenter and Wildlife Advocate Ashley Dowds will announce the winners.

There will be music and Non Alcoholic Beverages.

WHERE: Nobel Square, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town 8002

WHEN: 27 September 2019 from 5:00 pm to 9:000 pm

See also Cape Town Green Map

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