THE WINE KINGDOM Celebrating conservation in the Cape winelands

by | Dec 9, 2015 | News | 0 comments

THE WINE KINGDOM Celebrating conservation in the Cape winelands is a handsome coffee table book with an inspiring conservation focus, published by WWF.

Did you know that there is now more of the treatened Cape Flora Kingdom and Succulent Karoo vegetation committted to conservation in the Cape winelands than there is under wine?

Following rapid vineyard expansion into highly threatened habitats in the Cape winelands during the early 2000s, the introduction of a unique conservation and wine industry initiative has achieved real and tangible “turnaround” results within only a decade. This story has been beautifully captured in a new coffee table book, out in October, titled‘The Wine Kingdom: Celebrating conservation in the Cape winelands’.

This beautiful book focuses on the many environmentally responsible wine farms who have been part of the decade-long Biodiversity and Wine Initiative (BWI), an amazing success story of an industry’s collective achievement.

The Conservation Champions, the environmental leaders in the wine industry, have all been included on Cape Town Green Map’s Nedbank Green Wine Route.

Listen in to the review of The Wine Kingdom on Gorry Bowes Taylor’s Book Choice on Fine Music Radio  

Please click here to listen to review

COST: R456

TO PURCHASE: at WWF Shop or E mail

via Cape Town Green Map

PHOTO CREDIT: Mooiplaas – photo: Tielman Roos Jnr

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