Time Out – The Labia among 50 most beautiful cinemas in the world!

by | Jul 13, 2021 | Arts & Culture, News | 0 comments

The Labia is number 14 on Time Out list

In Time Out’s top 50 most beautiful cinemas in the world list, The Labia is number 14 on the list. The Labia Theatre is one of the oldest independent movie theatres in Cape Town, South Africa.

Time Out London’s Phil de Semlyen said South Africa’s oldest indie cinema prided itself on marrying modern tech with an old-world charm.

“Cinemagoers purchase their tickets from an ornate ticketing booth (or online – it’s not that olde-worlde) and the faded grandeur of this old Italian embassy ballroom lingers on its four opulent-feeling screens,” De Semlyen said.

“In recent years the likes of John Cleese, Werner Herzog, Matt Damon and Salma Hayek have popped by for a movie and a mooch on its garden terrace. There’s no record of whether they got stuck into the bar’s potent slush-puppy cocktails. Yes, the Labia has been mistaken for a porn theatre but it’s actually named after the Italian diplomat, Princess Labia, who opened it in 1949,” De Semlyen said.

“The recognition is a reward for what we do. We like to think that we are a unique cinema and we are different. It’s great to know that we are recognised around the world as one of the quirkiest cinema’s. It’s a great honour,” Ludi Kraus, owner of The Labia said.

The theatre is currently closed under level 4 lockdown restrictions and is hoping to reopen on July 25.

“In addition to the four cinemas of the Labia we do have a Home Screen where you can stream movies curated by Labia at your home. It is something we wish to continue with as another element of the Labia,” said Kraus.  The Home Screen options can be viewed HERE.

WHERE: The Labia Art House Cinema, Orange Street, Cape Town 8001
INFO: T +27(0)214245927 | E labiatheatre@telkomsa.net | Visit

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