Too Good To Waste Exhibition

by | Feb 3, 2014 | News | 1 comment

Too Good To Waste (TGTW) is a co-operative of artists and crafters using items salvaged from the rubbish pile to create unique products and art pieces.

The light fitting by Heath Nash, in the featured photo, is from the popular range created from waste plastic, for which this designer has become well known.

“Working together as a group allows us to utilise each others skills and expertise as well as strengthen and grow our markets.  The aim of this is to generate bigger orders as well as more jobs and hopefully additional smaller co-operatives.

We work with everything from Wood, Rubber, Metal, Wire, Paper to Fabric.  Items range from bespoke art pieces to quirky animal figures, furniture as well as decorative and soft furnishings for the home.”

Craft and Crafters at Too Good to Waste

Craft and Crafters at Too Good to Waste

Too Good To Waste is the first project to exhibit in the Clock Tower at the V&A Waterfront as part of the official program of World Design Capital 2014 events.  

WHEN: from the 27th of January and until the 2nd week of February. Monday 9:00 am – 9:00 pm

WHERE: Clock Tower, The V&A Waterfront, Cape Town 8001

INFO: Phone:021 425 2426


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